Vanessa Tse

Class of 2021 Fellow
Personal info
Melo experience

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

The most exciting part of my Melo journey is the fact that I could connect with so many inspiring people and learn from them. I really enjoy the joint discovery events as well as the interaction with CEOs and other fellows. I particularly enjoy this two-way dialogue between us. All of their genuine sharing are very motivating and valuable to me, which I won't be able to learn first hand elsewhere!

It has been a truly rewarding journey for me. I fully appreciate the fact that nothing is perfect through all of the sharing and working directly on a project together. I have learnt to embrace the whole process but not just focusing on the outcome as every little step counts. I am very excited to make a positive impact on society in the future using the knowledge and skills I have gained here.
