Lily Lee

Class of 2021 Fellow
Personal info
Melo experience

Don’t be proud of your affiliation, be proud of your creation.

We often assume that teenagers’ opinions are not as highly valued as prestigious people in society. The Melo journey has proven me wrong because CEOs are actually quite down-to-earth, and are willing to listen and share. The most impressive sharing to me would be from Randy, the CEO of McDonald’s HK, in which she has given Melo fellows chances to speak up and to express societal concerns. I definitely love her to-do spirit and youth engagement’s aspiration.

I would say the Melo journey has provided me with the lens to see through what shortcomings are in myself and how I should improve. Being humble is sometimes quite contradictory to challenging the status quo because on one hand, you value people’s opinion, but on the other hand, you want to disturb the old ways of doing things. The lesson that lies on me would be how I could balance the two and contribute at the same time.
