Jenna Sun

Class of 2021 Fellow
Personal info
Melo experience

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will land among the stars.

I am always excited to see how the CEOs are willing and wanting to hear more from the younger generations. Their genuineness and authenticity really brought the experience in Melo to another level. Most unpredictable part will definitely be the fact that me and my teammates "accidentally" became the author and illustrator of a kid's gamebook. I am pleasantly surprised on how far we could go with our potentials, and it allowed me to believe in my own strength more!

There were a lot that I have gained along the journey, especially from the sharings of CEOs and other guests. Their wisdom, and vision towards issues around did provoked my thoughts and reminded me to think deeper. I also have became more comfort- able in sharing my opinions. Although there definitely is still some room of improvement, I am thankful that I have took my first baby steps throughout the journey.

Looking back, Melo has brought me some of the most memorable experiences in my university days:) I realized how powerful we could be when working together to do good for the community. Seeing how big Melo has grown in these few years, I'm just sooooo proud to be an OG Melo 2021 fellow:) Thank you all for letting me be a part of the journey!
