Inky Ip

Program Director, Melo Social Class of 2021 Melo Peer
Personal info
Melo experience

Dream Big, Act Small!

I enjoyed the most is when the genuine meeting with our beloved CEOs with Kenny and Randy, where two generations communicate peacefully. I would never expect Randy is so passionate and a pioneer in youth empowerment and social justice. We need more authentic communication ground like this!

Despite many working experience that I had compared to other students I know, working with students from other education institutions, experts in the field and CEOs while starting a project from stretch, I am aware of my inadequacy in problem-solving, design thinking and communication. As Winston Churchill once said "failure is not fatal it is the courage to continue that counts", the lessons and skills I learnt will be taken into all scenarios in life and my future workplace. My experience in the Melo project affirmed my intention to work with purpose and social impact in the future and when I am graduated.
